Alex’s Story


As a boy, Alex loved when his family would open photo albums or play home videos. To him, it was a chance to answer the question “What came before me”

Alex’s curiosity continued as he grew older, he realized that family narratives were universal stories of triumph, loss, wisdom, and growth. It was a richer understanding of his lineage than any simple family tree.

Alex’s Dad passed away from cancer in 2020. In grieving the loss of his father, Alex realized he was also grieving a second loss: his Dad’s stories. Although Alex had the resources to capture his Dad’s oral legacy, time slipped away. Alex, along with his family now hold the responsibility of trying to remember as much about his father in order to pass it on to the next generation.

Through audio stories and documentary portraits, Alex leverages his decade of experience as a video and media professional to preserve the unique narratives of his clients and their families. Every personal legacy has value.

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